Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trip to New Plymouth-January 2010

Our first stop on the four hour drive to New Plymouth was a stop at the famous Waitomo Caves. They are famous for the glow worms. Since they won't allow photo's in the cave, I can't show the unbelievable beauty of the caves. There are litterly thousands and thousands of glow worms attached to the ceiling. Above is Gary and Janet Carlston, Rain and Dennis andLiz Mangrum. (Senior Missionary's from the Area Office.)

Some of the different terrain going up to Mount Taranaki

A local market in New Plymouth. One of our many stops to buy junk!

Mount Taranaki. It's the closest thing to Mount Fuji.

The gang: Elder's and Sister's Mangrum, Nance, Robertson and Carlston

The starting point if you want to climb to the top of Mount Taranaki. It's a 12 hour hike if you're fit. We just didn't have time.

Gary Carlston doing his Tarzan impersonation

Every hike is steep uphill and downhill. Nothings flat in this country!

Our first view of Mount Taranaki on our drive into New Plymouth

The only Kiwi I've seen so far, and it's behind glass

Dawson Falls

Rain and Gary and Janet taking a rest

The trail down to the falls

Some of the foliage driving around Mount Taranaki

A Stop at Hollard Gardens. This was a very beautiful garden that a man and his wife spent years developing.

A light house on the New Plymouth coast.

A view of the Tasman Sea

Adventurous Dennis hiking on the beach of boulders. The beach here isn't like any beach we've seen in New Zealand.

A light show in New Plymouth. We expected to see the lights similar to Temple Square, but were very disappointed. The light show was mostly flood lights pointing up at trees. We had fun anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, the blog is back in business. Love the pics. Miss you lots. Can't wait for the next installment.
